The new Typepad tool I use to write this weblog left beta on Monday. It is now a "preview release", so anyone can sign up for a 30 day free trial. Then for a few dollars a month, you can create a blog as lame as mine. Typepad is a hosted system based on Six Apart's Movable Type product.
There are lots of experienced Movable Type users out there who have weighed in on Typepad. This is my first attempt at a weblog, so I'm probably a better guinea pig for a typical new user.
In short, Typepad looks beautiful, has the right mix of features, and is shockingly usable. It is by far the nicest web application I've used.
I signed up for the beta test because I've always found Movable Type blogs to be the nicest looking. (Who doesn't want a pretty blog.) I wasn't disappointed - the TP templates are equally attractive. It is all standards-based CSS, so people with bad eyes can make the type bigger, and those who like little tiny type can have it as well. You can modify the look and colors of all the elements in a few minutes. I think I spent about a half hour getting everything to look the way I wanted.
I really like the fact that I'm using the Plus level without needing any of the "Pro" features. It is a rare application where there isn't some showstopper that makes you use the highest level. I don't want to mess around with the HTML. (I have enough trouble finding time to post entries.) It has all of the features I need, just as I need them. I haven't even had to make advanced template sets. They've designed a feature set the lets you make a blog in a few minutes, and keep it going.
The usability couldn't be better. The menus and organization get out of the way. The feature seem to be where you'd expect them. It is an elegant, usable product. I'd put it on my list of all time favorites such as ClarisDraw (anyone else still pine for that application) and my iPod.
Go sign up today. You'll like it.