In Typepad you can see the searches that people used to find your blog in a search engine. These are called referrer logs. I had a funny entry today because it was precisely the same as my wife's state of mind.
This afternoon, BBC America announced that they were showing their last episode of EastEnders. EastEnders is one of the BBC's soap operas. Unlike American soap operas which show pretty glamorous lives, British soaps show a bunch of people so miserable, you can take comfort that your life is much better. Cancelling Eastenders is no great loss to those not raised in the UK, but my wife is English so this is an issue of great concern. Five minutes after she storms into the room to tell me the bad news, I see this search query in my referrer logs, clearly from another angry ex-pat:
"email address, director of programming, bbc america"
Here's the official announcment from BBC America.
The ironic thing is that I bought a TiVo this past Wednesday, primarily so I could record EastEnders for my wife. I haven't even set it up yet, but they've cancelled her favorite show. Save EastEnders!