This article in the Independent is good news:
Later this month, the BBC will launch a pilot project that could lead to all television programmes being made available on the internet. Viewers will be able to scan an online guide and download any show. Programmes would be viewed on a computer screen or could be burned to a DVD and watched on a television set. ...The three-week pilot, called iMP (Internet Media Player), will allow 500 of the corporation's staff to step into this new world of viewing. They will be given PDAs and access to a range of BBC programmes, which will include the soap EastEnders and the hospital drama Holby City. Also available will be the series One Life, the dramas Cutting It and Grease Monkeys, the motoring show Top Gear and news bulletins.
As I've written about in several posts, this would be a wonderful thing for expats, like my wife. She currently has no way of watching EastEnders in the U.S., since it was dropped by BBC America.
Lets hope they don't lock it in somehow to their domestic market. Hopefully, they say their radio player is the inspiration, and my wife currently enjoys Radio 4 just fine.