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is this blog active? I'd really like to know something about a new mathematica release...

Fabio Tonti

You once wrote me an e-mail, then you never replied any more. I'd really like to know what's going on with the whole Mathematica 6 stuff... there's nothing to find on the web anyway.
I understand that their conference policy is somewhat restrictive, but still, there could be some information lying around, I mean it's the internet we're talking about!

Have you got any new information about it?

Best regards,
Fabio Tonti


I am in touch with one of their server reps and am upgrading from calccenter to mathematica 5.2 this month.

She sent me a 30 day contract that locks in the price for mathematica 6. So I think it is coming very soon.


This turned up in my email box from Wolfram, in relation to licenses etc.

"We are pleased to announce that Mathematica 6 will be released soon."


It's out...

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