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Murray Eisenberg

I know no more than you about what's happening, but I find dubious your reasoning that just because one buys a Premier Subscription by March 15 then a new version of Mathematica is going to be released by that date. I've seen many software publishers offer deals on service subscriptions that end on a certain date and promise a free upgrade to a new version, but that version is not released until well after that date.

Craig Schmidt

Hi Murray,

Bear in mind that a Premier Subscription is really a maintenance contract, which always gets you free updates on all releases during the year it is in effect.

If I were to sign up for Premier Service on April 15, and Mathematica 6 is released in October, then I still get a free upgrade. The only way the March 15 date can be meaningful is if the release happens on that day.

If you read the email as saying, "if you don't sign up by March 15, you won't get a free upgrade", then that implies the release will happen on that day. That is certainly the implication of the email.

Either Wolfram is being sneaky and trying to drum up some extra first quarter maintenance revenue (any why does a private company care so much about making a quarter?), or the relase will be around that time.



Yesterday I attended the "Croatia Mathematica Event 2007" and appareantly M6 will not be released before summer 2007 ...
But beta seems very stable (with a lot of new interactive features)

Regards, Roman


Cool! Tommorrow is March 15. Let's see what will happen after that.
Thanks for posting!


It's the 25th, and nothing seems to have happened. Or am I missing something?

nahid jafarian

I want version 6.
What can I do?




Cheers, Roman



Mathematica 6 will be out before October 2007: http://www.springer.com/west/home/computer/general?SGWID=4-155-22-97836125-0
Not yet published. Available: October 2007
This is one of the first books to describe & take advantage of Mathematica 6, which contains a fantastic array of new visualization functions & dynamic interactive graphics machinery.

Cheers, Roman


There was one blog about Mathematica 6 on wordpress.com, now it's gone offline. Maybe some NDA issue? Did anyone have a look at that blog?

Tim Hill

On April 22, 2007 at 09:28 AM, loan wrote:

> There was one blog about Mathematica 6 on wordpress.com,
> now it's gone offline.

It's in Google's cache, but it's just the single sentence "I got on the beta program for Mathematica 6 and I am going to write up some of the new features on this site, as I discover them."

> Maybe some NDA issue?

I suspect that blogger remembered that that would violate his beta test agreement.

Craig Schmidt

The Mathematica 6 blog did have a few posts, once upon a time. I remember it has a picture of syntax coloring for the source code.

Tim Hill

Version 6 will be released today.

Craig Schmidt

There's info on version 6 on the wolfram website now. Not on the main page yet, but see...


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